Sunday, May 17, 2009

BlackSheep Sunday: Bob Ford, The Man Who Shot Jesse James

Robert Newton Ford, one-time member of the James gang, is remembered forever in history as the "coward who killed Jesse James."

History records that Bob Ford was born in 1862 near Richmond, in Ray County, MO. His grave marker, however, records his birth as 20 years earlier. Ford's last days were spent in Creede, Colorado, where he was gunned down by Edward O. Kelley and interred. Years later Bob's remains were removed to Richmond, MO, where he remains today.

Bob Ford
Dec. 8, 1841 - June 8, 1892
The Man Who Shot Jesse James

Richmond City Cemetery
Richmond, Ray County, MO

Sponsored by the International Black Sheep Society of Genealogists.


Anonymous said...

Hello ~

Is it possible that Bob Ford was a Junior? 20 years is a good time span for it to occur. It keeps happening to me in my family searches.

Also, I can't get the IBSSG link to work for me. >_<

Yours, seekerJay (my formal name!) IBSSG

Anonymous said...

I believe the info on this bob ford is correct. I feel the true Bob and Charlie Ford Died in the 1930's Call it a huntch.